Monday, September 8, 2014


There are times when we just have to be quiet...

The last months have been particularly deep and impacting. I have known that the last few years have been God very much at work in me for the next 20 years.

This kind of surgery is a mystery. We never really understand it while we are under the divine hand of transformation. It was so obvious that the old me was not quite what was needed for the new adventure.

John told us in his sacred text, that "it is through faith and patience that we inherit the promises". That is not always as easy as we want it to be:

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for" but what if we do not know why or what God is on about. It is difficult to exercise faith in those times. I found 'trust' as far more empowering travel companion. God does not change. If he has been trustworthy in days gone by, then I can trust him again, even if I could not see clearly. I needed trust in the mists.

Patience is never a friend. We love being the masters of our own destiny, but what if God takes that away? What then? Things are not the same - don't you agree dear reader. This is a different time, a different season, a different age, a different mood governing our world. So patience is not easy.

I found Him in the silence. He was speaking quietly, whispering actually but I was making too much noise. But when I hushed, I heard and now I know why.

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