Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Genesis Collective - The Theology 2

I love more than one - don't you? I mean a little alone time is fun but then a need for a hug from my beautiful wife, friend, lover, - laughter with my wonderfully wackey songwriting Jesus loving daughter, - coffee with a daughter who is blossoming into a mother of many in the Jesus story or the raw, robust "abuse" that only a father and son who love each other, fully understand.

I love more than one - don't you? They put that in us - you know, the three who danced together before the beginning and will do it after the end. The sheer beauty of unadulterated love, that is who they are. The indescribable oneness without imposing on their perfect diversity simply adds to this mystery even more.

I love more than one - don't you?

Genesis Collective is not about Chris and Meryl like this is our roadshow. "Collective" has been intentionally chosen to reflect a journey of friends. When we read the sacred text, we are delighted and astounded, that it reflects the color of friends doing life together. From the garden when Adam and Eve walked intimately with their Father, through the great friendship stories of Moses and Joshua, David and Jonothan, Ruth and Naomi, Jesus and the boys, Paul and Timothy and the list goes on. It is right there on the sweet scripture pages... "I used to call you servants, I now call you friends" Jesus

"Collective" is even more intentional. Jesus took 12 men and journeyed together. In a blend of discipleship, apostolic impartation and legacy leaving investment, he set them up to be world shapers. That is pretty wild, to believe that a few friends could change the world. Yet when I met Dudley Daniel, my 'father' as a spiritual leader, he got us to believe that we could change the world by discipling the nations through church planting. What a dream to believe in, a hill to die on!

Ephesians 4 frames this theological piece. The Trinity is steeped in the first 6 verses. Its all about "unity in diversity" as a picture of a new leadership story that is highly collaborative yet celebrating distinctives. Paul then takes us in the theology of the "ascension grace gifts". Jesus did not hand his gig over to one man. The anticipation was palatable as he was waited to hang with his Father again. However there was time for one more thing. He handed over apo authority to 11 men on whose shoulders the redemption of the world rested. What a moment. What a weight. What a God plan for no man would have dreamt it up.

Jesus, messiah, healer, rabbi, leader, redeemer, friend handed his full gifting onto men and women who would continue both his ministry and his government on Project Planet Earth. These apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are to carry this collective responsibility to:
  • to prepare God's people for works of service,
  • so that the body of Chris may be built up,
  • UNTIL we reach the unity of the faith,
  • the knowledge of the Son of God,
  • become mature,
  • attaining the full measure of the fullness of Christ,
  • no longer infants tossed back and forth by the waves,
  • blown here and there by every wind of teaching,
  • by the cunning and craftiness of men and their deceitful scheming,
  • speaking the truth in love,
  • we will in all things grow up into HIM,
  • whole body joined together by every supporting ligament
  • each part does its work...
"Collective" desires to reflect the ongoing story of the Acts account, ordinary men and women who together, shook and changed their world. Even more specifically, we are a specific group of Ephesians 4 grace gifts, who, through collaboration, seek to empower pastors, churches and marketplace leaders in their story, on their journey. It is not a network or organization. It is not a denomination nor a franchise. We are E4 gifts who partner together to "get the job done down the stretch" [ OK forgive the basketball quote].

These gifts are clearly identifiable by their passion, fruit, emphasis, and impact. No church only needs one or two of these gifts. No amount of coaches, mentors and other man made surrogates can replace the beauty of these Jesus gifts - he gave them and we need them all. Genesis Collective is not about one couple, nor about one story. It is about collaborative friendships, E4 giftings who travel alongside churches to empower them in their story. These beautiful churches are the apple of his eye and we are simply the eunuchs serving this intoxicating bride.


  1. The mind boggles when we begin to realize that the mandate is actually so much more; more even than "impacting the nations"! The central Temple motif in Ephesians informs us that the ascension gifts are there to help the church become the place of God's presence on earth; the place where we are filled with all the fullness of God! Can I suggest that any apo venture needs to lift its mandate that high? With humility of course!

  2. Yes sir! That is why Paul includes " attaining the full measure of the fullness of Christ"... that is certainly part of the collaborative focus!
