Thursday, April 4, 2013

Q and A - History prevented?

Given that you have been in two church planting movements, and you have said that your studies conclude that all movements implode or institutionalize, how will what you guys are doing, prevent that from happening?

None of us have any guarantee that this will not happen in the "genesis collective"story. However there are some things that I think could minimize this from happening;

1.   Following the family approach, fathers and mothers are called to raise up the kids to leave home. This Jesus did as well in Matthew 28. So what if we seek to raise up and release emerging apostles to their own apostolic story. I loved what Terry Virgo and NF did. This multiplication of the movement empowered sons to become fathers, be blessed as such, then launch out on their own adventure. The true area of NF influence has grown significantly since they have done this. Meryl and I are so stoked as we anticipate releasing our first movement from this one story. What a great day that will be - like giving my daughters away in marriage  - they were ready, they changed there name, are loving their own journey but still remain connected because we are family.

2.   Out of my many chats with Terry Virgo, I think that "genesis collective " is the name God has given Meryl and me, with friends, for the task at hand. However, our desire is not to take this brand forward under new leadership. The name will probably end with us. We are not looking for brand multiplication - reproducing the system and form. Rather, we want to reproduce the DNA. As with family, we are not looking for 'sameness' but 'similiarness'. We desire the essence / heart to continue and grow after us, but not the continuance of the history.

3.   This is a clear collaborative approach to this journey. It simply cannot be about one man or ministry. As with Ephesians 4, we desire to co-labor with all of the gifts in all of the churches, to let all of the gospel be communicated to all nations.

None of this will fully ensure that history wont be repeated. But it can try to prevent it intentionally.

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