Saturday, January 3, 2015

Small is the New Big

Seth Godin is an intriguing voice of prophetic observation and commentary for the unfolding story of our society.

In a book called "Small is the new big", he writes:
"Big used to matter...
Big meant power and profit and growth...
...then small happened...
Big computers are silly...
Today little companies often make more money than big companies. Little churches grow faster than worldwide ones...
Small is the new big because small gives you flexibility to change your business model when your competition changes theirs...
A small church has a minister with the time to visit you in the hospital when you are sick...
Small is the new big only when the person running the small thinks big.
Don't wait. Get small. Think big."

There were many wondrous moments in the 90's when we celebrated church growth [many seminars], great voice and influence [or so we thought], huge budgets [large staff was seen as successful] and exquisite buildings [moments of huge financial faith, but also idols and pseudo sacred spaces].

But as the global economy has shifted and folks are simply giving less, it has forced us to re-evaluate the priorities of the 90's. The quest for large churches began to shift as the desire for community began to override the seeming success of a large audience to listen to the celebrity. The many wanted to be empowered again and not simply occupy a Sunday space.

Small is the new big! 

Define the story of your Community
Love healthy Marriages and Families
Build strong intimate Communities 
Create a culture of Discipleship
Empower every believer on their Mission
Multiply these Jesus Communities
Raise up and release many Leaders
Draw on and activate Marketplace Catalysts
Engage the prophetic voices of Gospel centered Entrepreneurs
Cut the Budgets
Maximise Mercy Giving
Watch the ego for large buildings 
Be Mobile and Flexible
Invest in People not stuff
Seek for Generous Social Justice

This is a conversation worth having.


  1. Hi Chris Great blog. Please explain what you mean by draw on and activate marketplace catalysts. Thanks Paula

  2. Thanks Paula. I think the creative marketplace catalysts often feel like they have no space or voice in the church's God story. Generally they are not sought for perspectives, lenses, creativity, risks as these scare the church. Yet we desperately need them

  3. So the outworking of this would be if I understand correctly: the local church or maybe a group of churches interacting with business leadership within the city, who are not necessarily part of the local church, but are people who are visionary in the business world?
