Saturday, February 26, 2011

Middle East

I am nervous we, the church, are missing a God moment in the Middle East!?

Only those who have lived through the tragedy, trauma and devastation of a civil war can have some notion of what nations like Libya are going through right now. The cost of human suffering is overwhelming. Not just with the number of deaths, but also the refugees, the loss of home, property and the lasting disruption of simple life.

There is some uncertainty at how Christians should respond to an Arab world crisis. With an excessive preoccupation with Israel at times, the church forgets that Jesus died for all. Every man, woman and child. Calvary does not discriminate against the land of our birth, nor the ethnicity of our family tree. The wonder of the cross is that it recognizes all accents.

Will there be ways to offer love, support and basic human services when the dust settles?
Can we mobilize the worldwide many to pray for the Arabic speaking few?
How can we love the Christians who are living in trauma in these nations now?
What is our role in the aftermath?
Are any available to go in soonest?
Are there true God prophets who can empower the next steps?
And Spirit led apostles who can enter this broken world to help rebuild?
With marketplace grace gifts ready to shape a new world?
Or will the followers of Islam simply do a better job?

These are weighty last of the last days.

1 comment:

  1. Brad says - Hi Chris, These are some great questions. Considering that no one has answered this post one could only hope that its due to the fact that thinking caps are on and prayerful though being given.

    Having lived-in and served the church in the Mid East we have had our hearts opened to the people of the Arab world. Many have sadly been hardned due to unfortunaty events that have shaped our attitudes in the West. I love that you point out that Christ died for all, and the cross is the way for all, love shown to all.

    Will we the church be able, like Jesus, to go in and bring healing to these nations with no selfish agenda but to reveal the Fathers heart, because its this type of service that reflects the Fathers love, and its this love that draws people and transforms lives. Will the church be able to go in under no banner belonging to any denomination, movement or organization, seeking to stake a claim in order to promote themselves, but rather be nameless in order to lift the only name that can bring sustained eternal change.

    Great power will be manifested in the middle east ignited by great love and passion for the centrality of the gospel which glorifes the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in equality. Those who choose to work into these nations must position themselves to both proclaim and demonstrate the gospel, both will be essential in reaching these people.

    I pray that many will stand for this task and assist us into these nations.

